Adaptive Methods, Inc.
Patrick Feehan
Technical Capability
Adaptive Methods has performed advanced development work for the U.S. Navy and prime contractors since its incorporation in 1973. Their advanced development goals are to transition new signal and information processing technologies to fleet operational systems. The Signal Processing Group at Adaptive Methods provides real-time solutions for many of the complex SONAR challenges that exist in today’s U.S. Navy. Adaptive Methods’ Sensor Integration Group develops front-end interfaces to collect and format data from physical sensors and legacy data busses for the U.S. Navy. Both custom and commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) hardware are used to tap the data sources and bring the raw information into symmetric multi-processor (SMP) servers for formatting. The Modeling and Simulation Group at Adaptive Methods is a leader in the research and development of underwater acoustic simulation-based tools for the Navy. Members of the Adaptive Methods ModSim Group are recognized experts in the fields of underwater acoustic modeling, especially modeling for multi-statics.
Functional Areas
3.1 Research and Development Support 3.2 Engineering, System Engineering and Process Engineering Support 3.3 Modeling, Simulation, Stimulation, and Analysis Support 3.5 System Design Documentation and Technical Data Support 3.6 Software Engineering, Development, Programming, and Network Support 3.14 Interoperability, Test and Evaluation, Trials Support 3.18 Training Support