SeaPort-NxG Contract Support
The purpose of this webpage is to communicate with potential customers regarding our ability to provide world-class professional support services for all NAVSEA Program Executive Offices, Directorates, and Field activities. We’ve provided a number of resources here to help you understand our functional capability associated with different products and business areas.
The MANDEX POCs for this contract is Dale Beard, 520-426-9759 or John Robison, 703-227-0905.
Description of Services
This Multiple Award Contract is the U.S. Navy’s electronic platform for acquiring support services in 22 functional areas including Engineering, Financial Management, and Program Management. SeaPort-e furthers the U.S. Navy’s Sea Power 21 objective to increase efficiency and allows for tailoring services according to the needs of geographically-dispersed organizations with significantly diverse product area requirements and missions. For more information visit
Task Orders